10 things of Chanakya that can change your life

10 things of Chanakya that can change your life

Chanakya 10 Tips Who Changes Your Life In Hindi 10 Things That Can Change Your Life

1 Chanakya 10 Tips Who Changes Your Life In Hindi 10 Things That Can Change Your Life
1.1 Chanakya 10 Tips Who Changes Your Life In Hindi
1.2 Never dispute a fool:
1.3 Do not tell your weakness to anyone:
1.4 One of your faults can destroy all your qualities:
1.5 Spend Money Thoughtfully:
1.6 Scared of Infamy:
1.7 Renounce Laziness:
1.8 Do not believe what is not heard:
1.9 Do not befriend people of more or less status:
1.10 Spend life in the present:
1.10.1 To be happy, stay away from attachment:
Chanakya 10 Tips Who Changes Your Life In Hindi

Acharya Chanakya has been one such great scholar of our country, whose words mentioned are as relevant today as they were in his time. It was Chanakya who, through his diplomacy, made ordinary Chandragupta the king of Magadha. Chanakya wrote a book called "Chanakya Niti". In which such things have been told which can give a meaningful turn to our life.

It tells us the right way to live life. What do we have to do in our lives and what do not? Their very good description is found in the Chanakya policy. In the 10 things mentioned by Acharya Chanakya, I am sharing with you here today, which can bring big changes in your life.

Never dispute a fool:
Chanakya says that we should never dispute with foolish people. Stupid people do not have any sense at all, if you dispute with them then the loss will be yours. If you argue with such people, your respect will be reduced. Such people can make you mentally weak. If you want to avoid controversy with stupid people, then keep quiet and use your discretion. Therefore, never dispute a fool.

Do not tell your weakness to anyone:
Most of the people expose their weaknesses to their close relatives, which they later find very expensive. When you are born, you are alone. Your worldly relationships begin as soon as you are born. Over time you get engrossed in many deep relationships. In such a situation, we tell our weakness in these relationships.

Which later other people also come to know. Which is not good for our personal life. Every person has some weaknesses. In such a situation, never tell your weakness to anyone. Whether it is your friend or your wife. Avoid this to honor your soul.

Read 3 evil habits that will ruin your life!

One of your defects can destroy all your qualities:
Many such examples are seen in life when people, despite having happiness, convenience, wealth, nd wealth, commit such a mistake that their heaven-like life becomes hell. What causes this - due to one of our faults. Even if you have many qualities. You have good behavior, you are kind, you are a social worker or you are a money person.

There is great respect in your society. But if there is even a small flaw in you, then it will ruin your life. Defects such as being intoxicated, lustful, boasting or gambling. Therefore look into yourself and see if there is any defect in you. If it is, then discard it. Otherwise, all the respect created by your hard work will be found in the soil in an instant.

Spend money wisely:
You must have heard this sentence that "Wealth is life," without wealth, we are all poor. It is absolutely a matter of address. There is no respect without wealth nor prosperity. Money plays a special role in our life. There are many people who misuse this wealth a lot.

They make money by sweating with the big Mehnat and then blow that money like smoke. I have seen most of the people who work as laborers throughout the day and waste their earnings by drinking liquor in the evening.

If you have to waste, then what is the use of hard work? If you have more money, then spend it with Limit. Time does not know when to turn. Remember this line of Acharya Chanakya "If Kuber also spends more than his income, he will become a pauper". To earn money, save it and spend it only when needed.

Scared of slander:
Acharya Chanakya says that it is good to die by living humiliated. Death only gives a moment of grief, but humiliation brings grief in life every day ”. There should be fear of slander inside all of us. If this fear is over, then the world will be in disarray. Jeevan's biggest grief is to be infamous. It makes a person die every moment of life.

This happens when our soul also tells us that you are wrong and you have done wrong. Do not do any work in life that you have to live the whole life with infamy. Once you are notorious, then you will not be back in people's eyes like before. Therefore, before taking any big step in life, definitely think a thousand times.

Abandon laziness:
Only 20% of the people in this world are those who fall into the category of success. But people in the world are 100%, so why doesn't this 80 % of ple succeed? Now you will say that they must have received a good upbringing or their father and grandfather will be from a good home. No wrong, today there are many examples where people have touched the sky from the ground.

People who win poor lives became very rich. There is a big difference in all this of laziness. 80% of people are lazy in doing something, 20% of people do the same work with a lot of heart. Therefore, if you want to make life better and happier then learn laziness and work hard. Remember "lazy man has no present and future.

Do not believe what is not heard:
You must have seen many people who are sitting with you. Talk to you If you have kept an important bar for yourself and ignore it instead of listening carefully, then understand that this person will definitely cheat you. Avoid trusting such people. Only tell these people what you can share with everyone.

Avoid doing your personal or important things with such people. If you told such important things to such people, then understand that these things are no longer private to you. Such people also tell these things to others. Do not forbid Vishvas on these people.

Read Chanakya Policy - It is necessary to take a bath after doing these 4 things!

Do not befriend people of more or less status than you:
Acharya Chanakya says that "Never befriend those who are of more or less prestige than you. Such a friendship will never make you happy ”. If you befriend people who have less prestige than you, then you will always be in trouble. Such friends will always expect help from you and will think of taking advantage of you. If you will ever be in trouble, such friends will not be able to help you.

If you make friends with people of more prestige than you, you will always be in comparison with your friend and there will be a feeling of jealousy in you. You will always consider yourself small in front of him, which is not good for your self-esteem. If he is not able to help you in times of trouble, then you will get angry at your friendship. So keep in mind that your friend should be at your level.

Live life in the present:
Acharya Chanakya says, "We should never regret the ghost, nor should we worry about the future." Wise men always live in the present ”. If you want to live your life happily, live always today. You have neither tomorrow nor tomorrow. The only thing you have is that - today. If you keep regretting what has passed, you will make yourself sad.

Yesterday spent is now going to come back after remembering. So it is futile to think about yesterday. If you think about the coming tomorrow, then that too will worry you. Do not spoil yourself today by thinking about the future.

You only have the moment, so live it. Put this moment in work that will make your life better. You keep riding on your today, your future tomorrow will automatically be corrected.

To be happy, stay away from attachment:
Believe it or not, most people today are not unhappy to eat and drink, but remain unhappy due to their relationship. The person whose mind is not with him remains unhappy and the reason for this sorrow is attachment. Acharya Chanakya says "One who is highly attached to his relationship has to face fear and anxiety. The root of all suffering is attachment ”.

When you have an attachment with someone, you get caught in the cycle of illusion and attachment and this is the reason for your sorrow. Chanakya's words fit the current environment. Nowadays we get to see that the youth of today have started living in Relationship.

At the age of his youth, he has started living in a relationship and when there is a slight conflict or quarrel in this relationship, then he sits down with tension. He is afraid of losing his partner and in this anxiety, he is immersed in tension.

Instead of living for themselves, they get caught in the mutual ent. If there is no attachment, then he will take time for himself. Improve yourself and be successful in your career. So if you want to be happy, then think of getting out of that relationship, which you have a lot of attachment.

Friends! In this article, you read those important 10 things mentioned in the Chanakya policy of Acharya Chanakya, which we and all of you face today in your life and which is the truth of life. You must have learned a lot from this article but just learning does not make everything right. Only when you take these learned things in your life.

So put these 10 things in your life and change your life. Friends, we will continue to share many important things of Chanakya with you even further. You have been associated with a w consciousness and make yourself even better.

All The Best!

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